how to start an online business
Online Business

What is Affiliate Marketing?

What is Affiliate Marketing? My Favourite Business Model [social_warfare] If you have read my story you’ll know that the main focus in my online business has been Affiliate Marketing and Social Media Marketing. Surprisingly one

how to start an online business
Online Business

How to Start an Online Business

How to Start an Online Business in 2021 [social_warfare] As you are probably well aware, we are currently in the technology age. This means there is more opportunity now than there ever has been to

5th ave playa del carmen
Nomadic Lifestyle

Playa del Carmen for Digital Nomads

Playa Del Carmen for Digital Nomads [social_warfare] After a very cold few weeks in New Zealand visiting family, I decided to spin the globe and find a new place to escape the heat! I’ve heard

Isla Holbox Mexico Las Nubes
World Travel

Isla Holbox Mexico paradise getaway

Isla Holbox Mexico – Yucatan Paradise Getaway [social_warfare] After spending a few months in and around Playa del Carmen, I was honestly a little disappointed at the amount of seaweed on the beaches and craved.

things to do in cuba
World Travel

Top 10 things to do in Havana Cuba

Things to do in Havana, Cuba [social_warfare]Havana, Cuba is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. It is known for its beautiful architecture, vibrant culture and delectable cuisine. Cuba has so much

how to become a digital nomad
Nomadic Lifestyle

How to become a Digital Nomad and where to start

How to Become a Digital Nomad – Easy Method [social_warfare] One of the most frequent questions I get asked is “how can I do what you do”, or “can you teach me how to become

World Travel

2 days in Kuala Lumpur – 48 hour itinerary

2 Days in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Itinerary [social_warfare]Kuala Lumpur, a buzzing metropolitan city rich in culture, amazing food, out there buildings, and not to mention perfect for those on any budget. In late February I

jobs for people who love to travel, careers that involve traveling
Nomadic Lifestyle

25 jobs for people who love to travel

25 Jobs for People Who Love to Travel [social_warfare] If you are someone who has always wanted to travel or looking for something to help fund your next trip. Here is a list of 25

5 safest countries in South America
World Travel

5 safest countries in South America

5 Safest Countries in South America [social_warfare] South America to me has always been one of most culturally enriched continents to visit. Like any place in the world, it has it’s safe and dangerous parts.