What to Pack When Travelling Long Term
After years of travelling, I have found there are a bunch of items that will not only help you save time but money if you were to replace them elsewhere. Below is my guide on what to pack when travelling on your next adventure.
Also if you are backpacking, wanting a longer-term kit or in the market for a new camera, check out this guide – Camera Photo & Video guide

If I have missed something, make sure you comment below so I can add it and together we can help people’s packing frustrations!
What to pack when travelling the world
If you are travelling for a longer period of time, no doubt you are wanting to pack for more types of situations and weather conditions. While travelling all last year, I learned about what you actually need and what you don’t while on the road. So here is a list of things to carry when travelling longer to save you time and money.
65L Backpack + Day Pack
You will definitely need to get a quality backpack if you are planning to travel for a long time. If you’re backpack breaks, it will be a costly replacement and will be annoying to find a good one elsewhere. Deuter is a very trusted brand and has never failed on me yet. Another great thing with Deuter is they include detachable day packs! Makes travelling much easier. I recommend you get one like my old one! Get yours cheaper than retail here!
Quality Leather Toiletry Bag
Call me weird but I like to have a leather toiletry bag. I guess it’s because things like your toothbrush and floss go in your mouth so I like to ensure it is clean. This leather duffle holds a bunch of pockets, is very durable and looks the part. Perfect for if you want it to last throughout your travels. Get yours cheaper than retail here.
Go Pro Hero 4, Black
Go pro has the be the world most known sports action camera. There is even that video of a Go-Pro accidentally getting dropped out of a plane and not getting damaged. Being so sturdy for any condition on this earth, a Go Pro is a must for any adventure enthusiast. The biggest thing is choosing the right mounts. Get yours cheaper than retail here
32gb Micro SD for Go Pro Hero 4
You can’t have a Go Pro without having a Micro SD Card that will be there to collect all your adventurous moments. 32gb’s at class 10 and UDHC 1 is fast enough for Go Pro Hero 4’s so you should be ready to roll in no time. Get yours cheaper than retail here.
Adidas Running Shoes
Running shoes must be one of the most important things of all when travelling long term. As you could potentially be in remote places, walking hundreds of km, you want to get a decent quality pair of shoes. Things to look for are breathable ones, epic grip underneath and of course good reviews. Recommended Male Shoes, recommended Female Shoes.
Swiss Worldwide Multi Adapter Plug
Buying this specific Swiss model is an investment, trust me. I was a huge slack artist and for years I kept going to the countries and buying specific country adapters. Not only does it cost $5-$20 each time you get a new one but you start accumulating up all these plugs! The Swiss model is very rugged and hosts all plugs, this is something you will use time and time again. Get yours cheaper than retail here!
Quality Micro Fibre Towel
Micro Fibre towels very importantly when backpacking any country. The majority don’t provide towels as a part of accommodation so you either have to pay a Euro or a few dollars. Save time and money and get a fast-drying microfibre towel. Just don’t choose white or it will get really ratty really quick! Get yours cheaper than retail here!
Good First Aid Kit
It’s a no brainer, we need to have first aid readily available. If you haven’t got your First Aid Certificate maybe that should be on the list too. You never know when something bad’s going to happen, for the small price you pay for a kit, you could literally save someone’s life. Places like Koh Tao, Bastimentos, etc. don’t have hospitals on the islands. Always have been prepared for the worst. Get yours cheaper than retail here!
Surge Protecting Universal Powerboard
Chances are, if you are travelling long term, you have some more serious electronics with you. I will never plug my laptop into a wall socket without a Surge Protector. In a split second, you could lose your precious and expensive things so don’t risk it, get a multi-plug surge protector board. Universal slots are so handy! Get yours cheaper than retail from here!
Backpack Locks
Backpack locks are a necessity when travelling. I have recently discovered the cord style locks and really like them. Just a little more flexibility if you’re locking multiple pockets or when the Locker is hard to get into. Always use combination locks too, losing keys is an everyday thing and is super annoying. Get yours cheaper than retail here!
RFID Passport & Card protector case
This world is getting more and more digital, it’s kind of scary. All it takes these days is someone to brush passed you to steal your credit card details and take your money. Luckily Card and Passport holders like these are around now. They are made out a special material jamming all signals going into the case. If you are someone who knows of or is worried about those digital hackers out there, this is a must. Get yours cheaper than retail here
Quality Waterproof Rain Jacket
This goes without question, even if you’re in Thailand or Indonesia, there is going to be those days when it just doesn’t stop raining. You can always go and get a $1 poncho from 711 but chances are you’ll rip if and have to keep getting more. Majority of the time it’s not the rain that gets you either, it’s the wind. Something like this waterproof rain jacket is perfect, not only light but does the trick in any situation. Recommended Male Jacket, recommended Female Jacket
Battery Power Bank
Another one of my favourites must-have things to carry when travelling. Battery power banks can recharge your phone in the neediest situations. I remember when I was in Bosnia on the wrong side of the city, no currency and card wasn’t working. My phone had the directions where to go but ran out of charge. Let’s just say that was an un-needed experience. Situations like this make Batter Power Banks a perfect item to bring. Get yours cheaper than retail here!
Havaiana Jandals (Flip Flops)
If you’re Kiwi or Australian you’ll know that Havaiana’s are the best Jandals (flip flops) to get. Nothing is more annoying than blowouts when you’re walking huge km with your backpack. Go for quality, Havaiana’s last years, you’ll lose them before you break them. Get yours cheaper than retail here!
MacBook Air 13″
A Macbook Air may not be for everyone, but those who want to blog, edit videos and use Adobe products for photo’s, you’re going to want a cheap light well-performing Laptop. I used to carry around my Macbook Pro and I have to admit, you noticed the weight. MacBook Air’s are perfect if you want a laptop that will last. Get yours cheaper than retail here
Seagate 2TB External Hard Drive
Even if you don’t travel with a computer, you should take a hard drive. All the photos and videos you take will start accumulating and your SD card will get full. A bunch of travellers take Laptops with them these days, so no doubt you could borrow someone’s for a minute to load all your photo’s to the hard drive. Also, I ONLY trust Seagate. I’ve lost a lot of photos with Western Digital, very sad times. Get yours cheaper than retail here
Canon G7X Point & Shoot Vlogging Camera
Currently, in the top 10 point & shoot cameras of 2016, the Canon G7X never ceases to amaze. With its 1 inch sensor and 20.2mp camera, this thing is a beast! If you want an all-around vlogging & photo camera, this is your best bet. It also has a flip screen and is Wi-Fi enabled. This specific combo actually includes an extra battery, bag and tripod too much cheaper than I got my one! Get yours cheaper than retail here!
Sandisk 32gb Extreme Pro SD Card for Canon G7X
The Canon G7X is a very powerful camera so with it, you need a powerful SD Card. You should have no problems with speed with the Sandisk 32gb Extreme Pro SD Card. This is one of those things that you really can’t be cheap about if you take video and the card can’t keep up, it’s ruined footage! I recommend this one for the Canon G7X. Get yours cheaper than retail here!
Unlocked iPhone 6 16gb
Get an Unlocked iPhone, it is your guide to the world. From using it for apps like Hostelworld and Booking to searching for directions and communicating with your family, smartphones are a must. Without a doubt, iPhones are one of the worlds most popular phones too. Every second person you meet will own one which is perfect is you lose your cord. Not only that but cords will be sold everywhere. I only use my iPhone 6 16gb and it is perfect for Skype, Instagram, Maps, Music, Snapchat, you name it. I admit I am an Apple man. Get yours cheaper than retail here!
Apart from what is listed above, now you have to decide what kind of country you are going to. If it gets colder, take an extra jersey. If it is a hotter place, you could possibly take less. I usually take about 5 shirts, 2 pairs of shorts, 3 singlets, 6 pairs of underwear, 3 pairs of socks, a pair of jeans and 2 pairs of swimwear. Sounds like a lot but it’s not that much, can easily fit in the small backpack! A hat is also quality to have and even a spare pair of sunglasses.
Mosquito Repellant
Also, a huge piece of advice, if you are going to a place that is known for mosquitos, don’t risk any chance of getting bitten. Too many things to catch these days. You should go ahead and get some 40% Deet insect repellant. I travelled through India and the mosquitos hated it!
Always check the places you are going for risk of catching something. Things like Yellow Fever, Typhoid and Malaria aren’t so funny if you catch them. Ring your local doctor at least a month before you go or pre-check with Google, type in “immunisations for (country)”. It is also handy to take with you some Panadol, Imodium, over the counter antibiotics and try to eat healthily!
I hope you have found my what to pack when travelling the world list helpful and if I have missed anything, please comment below so I can add it in!